
Final Election Results are In
Wed, Sep 25 2019, 11:00 AM

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Final election results are in, with Likud gaining one more seat for a final count of 32 seats,  at the expense of United Torah Judaism, which has dropped to 7 seats. This final seat means that Kati Shitrit will sit in the next Knesset, and Yitzchak Pindrus, who had the 8th seat in United Torah Judaism will sit out. 

The results for all the other parties has remained unchanged: Blue & White with 33,  the Joint List with 13 seats, Shas with nine seats, Yisrael Beitano eight, Both Yemina and Yahadut Hatorah with seven seats each,  Labor-Gesher with six seats, and the Democratic Camp with five seats.

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