
Family Fun in the Park this Summer!
Wed, Aug 10 2022, 2:15 PM

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The Beit Shemesh Municipality is organizing fun family activities in the city's beautiful parks this summer.

The Family in the Park activities will include drumming circles, arts & crafts, pita making, a scavenger challenge, and at the end of each day a movie will be shown on a huge screen.

The activity days are held in cooperation with the Beit Shemesh Municipality – Education, Youth & Community Department, the Events & Sports
Department and the Jewish National Fund. 

Entrance is free!

The fun days will be held in Yarmout Park in RBS A on Tuesday 16th August and the Apple Park in Beit Shemesh on Tuesday 23rd August. 

Mayor Dr. Aliza Bloch said: "The big summer in Beit Shemesh continues at full strength. This year we are holding the Family in the Park fun days, in which thousands of children from all over the city will be able to participate, thanks to the partnership of the municipal departments and the JNF. See you in the park!"

Sher-Shalom Jarbi, Director of the Education and Community Division at KKL-JNF said "KKL-JNF is happy to participate in the family summer celebrations in Beit Shemesh. The families are invited to enjoy a variety of outdoor and creative activities for free, connecting to the love of the country and the environment."

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